Monday, October 14, 2013

Usually Sacred

     "It is very alarming that we know more facts about our idols than the policies of our school and our parents' guidelines.", says a friend of mine. Yeah, she has a point. It's true. For us? Does it seem right? I know that some of you are confused but most of us teenagers do this, most of the time.
@koralike_ |

     I still remember those cold nights and a candle was our only source of heat and light. We were there in a room, praying the rosary. There's an interaction wherein mother says the lines and we answer back. I can hear Mom's sincerity while saying the prayer, so do I. My younger brother caught Mom's attention, all of a sudden for he keeps on yawning and there's his pair of eyes, blinking, showing no interest in what we're doing. Mom just gave a death glare. I don't know how should I react for we stopped for a while. I just showed no emotion at all. I saw my brother, stunned. After a few seconds, he finally realized that what we're doing is a sacred act -- praying so he sat down properly and he composed himself quickly. Mom just flashed a smile and we continued the prayer peacefully.

     The next day, we prepared everything before we go to school. The packed lunch, our  bags, and even ourselves were ready. Even the elementary school bus was there. I look at my brother's eyes, and I can see he's terrified. I saw mother's flaming eyes because of what my younger brother did. Well what did he do anyway? There he was, standing in front of the mirror, doing poses because he was so jolly. He used the rosary as an accessory. Mother shouted at the loudest voice she could...

"Are you possessed by a demon? Why are you wearing the rosary?! Only possessed people wear that!"

     My younger brother was left there, standing.

"But Mom, i-it's the n-new trend!" he replied, stammering.
"I used to be slapped whenever I try to do those things! Can't you see? It's sacred! Remove that rosary or I'll do something you wouldn't like." my mother's response.

     My younger brother removed the rosary fastly as his tears fell down to his face. His face turned red for he was ashamed; thinking if our schoolmates heard it. I wiped his tears and left the last words...

"It will be alright." and then we left the house.

     That night after the incident, my mom usually talks to us to ask how we were doing in school after we pray the rosary. It's like a family meeting, but I really feel that this one's different.

     "What happened to the new generation? Is this the way how you respect the holy things? By using them as an accessory? As far as I know, rosary necklaces, rosary bracelets is an all new trend in the market. But wearing them without the blessing of the priests will bring you nothing. So wearing it simply means that you're displaying it. For what? Good compliments? That you're so religious that you should go to heaven? Mentioning about religious, your standpoint nowadays is always like this, 'the more religious things you wear, the more religious you are!' But the bottom line is, do you even go to church to attend the mass? Now, being a part of the new generation, you should know your limitations as well as the DO's and DON'Ts." Mom told us. We we're there, quiet and our head faces the floor. Mom's right. Respect begins with respect because sacred things turned out into usually sacred.

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