Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Let You Go


          At first, I did what I think that's right.... to let you go. To avoid you. To forget you because it's like you're telling me that it's for the better even though you didn't approach me or anything. Maybe because that's the only way to move on. I did it. I did what you wanted me to do. But at least once, have you ever asked yourself if I liked what  I did? 

          Sometimes, I don't know why does my heart keeps on fooling around even though it knows it hurts. Don't you know that while I'm following what my mind says, my heart shouts "Can't you just hold on a little bit longer?"

          Sweet. But deep inside, while I'm following my head like a robot that everything it commands, I kept following, my tears are dropping a little bit and my heart do break into tiny pieces. Bits. I keep on asking myself, "I didn't give up but you already did. Why is it like that?!"

          But they say that "There's no perfect love. Everything should face struggles. If you get tired or refuse, just let it rest and it'll come back again." I look forward that it may happen. But it didn't. Even though I doubled my effort. tripled it too I guess... but I waited for nothing. I was so sincere when I expressed my feelings for that letter but you ended it up being a joke. It's so damn hard to bring back those days when we're still talking to each other and we do some stuffs together. I'm so sorry. It was my fault too. I shouldn't expect too much. I should've hold on. I shouldn't let you go. I shouldn't forget you and kept still. I should've fight for you for that you may fight for me as well... I-I kinda like you that time... I shouldn't let you go.


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