Sunday, August 4, 2013

Dear Public Servants...

 Dear Public Servants, / SuperKyla :3
          Well, what do you get when you boast something? Aside from being famous for the clothes you wear, its brand, the designer, the materials used for making those clothes and the amount of money you guys paid for that lavish dress you'll just use for only half a day, what else? Nothing, right? I know that you're all like, "So what are you fighting for?" or "The heck is your problem?". Don't pretend that you know nothing! You guys do this, all the time.

          Why you guys can't be simple? Why do you always think that you should always look perfect to the public? Don't you know what your positions are and your purposes for this country? Let me remind you that you are not models but public servants. You guys are attending SONA, not Grammy's nor FAMAS'. You guys aren't even in Hollywood. You guys should know your limitations and don't you know that the way you dress up reflects your personality yet you guys always want to show off! Can't you just be contented and keep in your big brains that "I just want to be presentable but not in an extravagant way... I'm a public servant, not a dummy so why wear these lavish clothes?". (Prudish? If you say so.) Your standpoint is always like the more expensive clothes you wear, the more popularity votes you get. There's more! You always want to brag that "Hey! Your dress is so cheap, so do you. Look at mine, this is what you call class and elegance!" Oh shut up. It's on the person's way of carrying that dress! (Well, if ithe shoe fits in, feel free to wear it..) Showing off your souls to the public is what you call SIMPLE? Geez, seriously? That's what you call simplicity? (Mind if you'll just wear your bikinis and trunks... Wouldn't it be better?) All I can say is that being simple is hardly even from you, right? (Truth hurts. Yes)

          Enough with that! Instead of buying clothes that costs a million you'll just wear for only half a day, why not donating it to some organizations or raising a feeding program, why don't you? With that, you've helped the less fortunate, another deed with sense! (Seems legit.)

          We've had enough. Good thing our President thought of an idea on having uniforms to avoid extravagance. I hope that he'll make a move about that... Let's just wait in the 2014. Hope you guys didn't use the money of the country you guys collected from taxes for your stupid dresses...


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